Thank you for visiting the blogging services page. Please contact Michele with any questions. We’d be glad to create a custom creative consultation for you and your brand.

Are you a member of the Courage to Earn the Community?

Here’s a special offer just for you!

  • $50 – 30 min consult on ways to increase your traffic. 
  • $50 Blog review that includes ways to stretch your content.

Michele is a Central PA influencer, the CEO of and Connect and Learn Retreat. She partners with brands and bloggers to build genuine working relationships that benefit all parties. Her blog and retreat are a means to enhance lives, build powerful relationships and empower women to take charge of their businesses, as well as their own health and wellness.

With 10 years of blogging skills under her belt, Michele is prepared to help other bloggers build a better business. She takes a creative approach to help women increase their blogging traffic, grow their page views and create new content to attract their target audience.

If you’re interested in learning more about her services in blog critique, creative content stretching or a one-on-one consults please contact her by email at [email protected] or you can also message her on Facebook at

Are you a member of the Courage to Earn the Community?

Here’s a special offer just for you!

  • $50 – 30 min consult on ways to increase your traffic. 
  • $50 Blog review that includes ways to stretch your content.