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Free Weight Loss Apps

5 Must Have FREE Weight Loss Apps (5)

Free Weight Loss apps can be a great asset while on your weight loss journey!! I use my phone daily to help myself be successful.  When I first started getting serious about my weight loss I was surprised at how many amazing apps there are!! Everything from training, to tracking, exercise guides, and more!!!

These Are My Favorite Free Weight Loss Apps:

C25K sounds funny but it is the couch to 5k training program! I was surprised how simple it is to use!  Once installed you start the app up and it tells you when to walk and run, the app will soften your music so you can hear the prompts.

Water Your Body allows you to track your water! I have issues remembering how much water I drink through out the day! Every time I pour my water I enter in how much it is.  Also if you have not recorded water it will remind you to drink water.   I set my own water goal on it to what my personal trainer recommended for me to consume.

My Fitness Pal is a food diary, calorie counter, activity tracker, and it allows you to friend people on it!  Great way to stay on track and help others as well at the same time!

Map My Run tracks and maps your run, walk, or bike.   My favorite part it will list what your average miles per hour after your work out.  Connecting it to Facebook or Twitter allows for you to share your workouts with friends!

Fooducate Weight Loss apps

Fooducate – Lose weight, track your progress, and eat REAL food. The ONLY APP that looks beyond the calorie and helps you eat healthy and tasty. Scan a product barcode to see what’s really in your food. Fooducate will also show you healthier alternatives!

Find some great Weight Loss Motivation Quotes to help you along your journey.

Head over to your app store and check out the free weight loss and fitness apps. What is your favorite app that has helped you to lose weight?

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  1. Last year I lost 97 LBs, got off insulin, and other medications, I completed the C25K running App. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.

  2. My favorite weight loss app is Striiv. They have a pedometer goody you can purchase, but you can also just use the free app. It tracks your steps and it also has a built-in game to motivate you to walk more because you earn points for the game that way. You can even add friends and walk along with them in real time. It also integrates with My Fitness Pal. By using it I’ve walked over 300,000 steps in about 3 months. It’s been a great motivator for me.

  3. Water Your Body is not free; it is $0.99 in the iTunes store.

  4. Spark People is no longer free. I would also recommend checking out fooducate.