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Learn More About Seed Probiotics

This is a sponsored post in partnership with Seed. All opinions shared are my own.

I was introduced to Seed probiotics through their Seed University. Learning all about the product, its quality, and sustainability was very eye-opening. After reviewing the science behind it all, I am convinced that Probiotics play a crucial role in overall health for women. Seed isn’t any old probiotic it’s synbiotic. I encourage you to visit the Seed website and see for yourself.

What is a Probiotic?

I went straight to the source and got the scientific definition: “Live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” – Seed Probiotics 101.

You are the host and you have to be sure to pay attention to these important parts: live microrganisms and adequate amounts. Without those two important pieces you’ll probably not receive the health benefits you are seeking.

Just a reminder that in the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) categorizes probiotics as supplements. Supplements are regulated by the FDA but the regulations are looser than on things like OTC and prescription medicines.

Seed goes above and beyond any FDA-required testing to ensure they deliver the best product to you. Another reason why doing your own research and knowing the facts about what you put in your body is so important.

Why Consider taking a Probiotic?

 When you hear probiotics you probably automatically think about your gut health. BUT, you can benefit from good probiotics in other ways too. Some of those other benefits include heart health, skin health, and immune system support.

If you’d like to try Seed Synbiotic for yourself use the code MICHELE15 on the Seed website to obtain a 15% discount on your first month’s subscription order.

Your Health Matters

Women as a collective need to pay close attention to our own health and wellness. Many times it’s our instinct to focus on others and forget we need to be cared for too. This year I want to do better. I’m not just taking care of my human self, but also the 38 trillion invisible bacteria that call me home.

For years, gut health has been on my mind. All the happenings in your gut are so important to your overall health and wellness. I’ve researched, tried a few probiotics but never really immersed myself in the science and research behind it all.

To learn more about taking care of your health, read this post next about Why Women Over 40 Need Calcium.

High-Quality Traits of Seed:

  • Seed probiotics are different! They are actually s a Synbiotic. This means you get the best of both probiotic + prebiotic in one capsule that gets the job done.
  • Seed is a daily Synbiotic with an inner and outer capsule that ensures the benefits of the probiotics are actually delivered to where it belongs.
  • Seed ends up in your gut without being destroyed by stomach acid along the way. (The main downfall of many other probiotics on the market)
  • Each Seed capsule is allergen-free. No dairy. No gluten. Corn Free. Preservative-free. No binders. Vegan. Just full of all the good stuff you need!
  • Heat, moisture, and light protected—no refrigeration required.
  • Seed contains over 20 probiotic strains that were validated in 24 clinical studies. Seed goes above and beyond any FDA-required testing to ensure they deliver the best product to you.
  • To promote sustainably Seed comes minimally packaged and is part of a refill system that minimizes waste. 

Are You Ready for a change?

As you can see SEED probiotic a.k.a. synbiotic stands out above many other pre and probiotics on the market. Doing my research and reviewing all of the science (and scientists) involved with SEED has really made me look twice at what supplements I add to my dietary intake.

Have you read some of the ingredients added to the things you use to boost your health and immune system?

If you’d like to try Seed for yourself use the code MICHELE15 on the Seed website to obtain a 15% discount on your first month’s subscription order.

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