Healthy Snacks for Traveling
I am glad to be partnering with Metamucil to share my ideas on Healthy Snacks for Traveling and promoting digestive health along the way. I’ve been living the caregiver life for the last several months.
My mom is battling cancer and I have the privilege and the freedom to support her through that. She lives 600 miles away, so I am spending a lot of time in the car. Most times I am traveling by myself, every now and then my aunt joins me.

When I start the 10-hour drive, I am on a mission. Whether I am going to her house or heading back to my own, I try to make the drive without too many stops. Occasionally, I will stop for some quick thrifting. There are so many great thrift stores on the route, that I cannot resist. Of course, I make a stop every two hours to stretch and use the restroom, because that is important on long car rides, too.
This post about Easy Ways To Eat Healthy At Amusement Parks will share extra helpful tips to keep in mind for eating healthy snacks!
My Favorite Healthy Snacks for Traveling

Since I try as hard as possible to make healthy choices, I pack my own water and snacks, whenever possible to ensure I have healthy snacks for traveling. I always have a small insulated bag with cut up fruit, string cheese, and hard-boiled eggs. In the side pockets is where I keep my beef jerky and individually wrapped packs of Metamucil Fiber Thins. Staying full with the healthy snacks helps alleviate the temptation to hit the fast food drive-thrus along the way.

Having Metamucil Fiber Thins along for the ride means I have great-tasting healthy snacks for traveling that gives me an easy way to boost my daily fiber intake. There are three delicious flavors to choose from and I’ve tried them all. They all taste great, but I’d have to say chocolate flavor Metamucil Fiber Thins are my favorite and the Apple Crisp flavor is a close second. Knowing that I am enhancing my digestive health while eating great tasting snacks makes the long travel times a bit easier.
Bringing water with you is always a good idea too! Check out this post of 17 Healthy Benefits of Drinking Water!
What are your favorite healthy snacks for traveling?

I’ve been using Metamucil products as part of my healthy lifestyle routine for several years now. It makes me feel good to know that Metamucil is the #1 doctor recommended fiber brand and was just recently awarded the Most Trusted Fiber Supplement on the market. There should be no question when choosing healthy snacks that Metamucil Fiber Thins should be on the list.
Here are an additional 47 Heart-Healthy Snack Ideas to try when you’re traveling.
I am not sure how long I will be a part of my mom’s caregiver team, but I am determined to make sure my health needs are met along away. If I don’t stay healthy, I’ll let the team down and that’s no good for any of us.
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