Home » Recipes » 75 Amazing Zucchini Recipes

75 Amazing Zucchini Recipes

Zucchini recipes are quickly becoming one of my favorites!! We have been growing Zucchini in our garden and it just has spread and producing like crazy!!! If you don’t have a garden the farmer’s market and local stands have great prices over the summer! Be sure to follow us on Pinterest for more great recipes.

75 Amazing Zucchini Recipes:

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  1. I love zucchini! Thanks for the inspirations!
    Thanks for sharing with us this week at the Merry Monday link party!
    We hope to see you again next week!
    Kate | TheOrganizedDream.com

  2. Just one plant provides an abundant crop for one person. I’ll be saving these recipes for next year.

  3. Wow! I know where to come later in the summer when the zucchini is ready! Thanks so much for including me 🙂

  4. Thanks so much for posting this and including two of mine. I eat so much zucchini that it’s great to have a variety of recipes to choose from. Pinned! Have a blessed week.

  5. What a great roundup! Thanks for including my Blucchini Bread recipe! Shared on Twitter + Facebook 🙂